Wild Resources Limited activities in Wales
The main experience of the company director is overseas development in the forestry sector. However, since the formation of Wild Resources Limited the company has sought opportunities to offer its services and experience to the Welsh and UK forestry sector. The timing of this initiative was fortuitous as at this time there was increasing interest in non-timber forest products with the publication in 2002 of three important reviews of such products for Scotland and England. With funding from the Countryside Council for Wales, Forestry Commission and the Welsh Development Agency, Wild Resources Limited was able to provide equivalent information for Wales in a major report published in 2003. Since then the company has become involved with a number of initiatives in Wales.
Commercial use of Rhododendron ponticum an invasive exotic in Wales
Review of Welsh NTFP enterprises
Rhododendron populations in Wales
Biodiversity surveys and geographical information systems
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Please contact Wild Resources Limited if you would like further information about this project.